Recipe Suggestions from a Calolea user and fan!

My pals in Atlanta are in love with their holiday Calolea. SF pals love the Meyer Lemon oil and are experimenting with their new egg BBQ and your oils. I’m sending them your Valentine’s special email.
Garlic oil drizzled on toast (before or after toasting) for instant garlic toast
Lemon oil on pasta
Garlic oil on rice
Lemon oil on roasted veggie salad (roast veggies in standard olive oil, dress with lemon oil)
Either Lemon or Garlic oil or both on roasted chicken (under skin works), or fish or whatever
Homemade French bread — it calls for a TBS of olive oil. Tried 1 TBS garlic oil but should use more to get a real flavor hit.
Salads, of course — greens, pasta, potato…
Wilted greens (spinach or chard quickly wilted with garlic in flavored olive oil)
On baked or roasted potatoes instead of butter
Like you might use Truffle Oil — drizzled on veggies, a dash in soup, etc

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