CBD Products Now Available

We’re so excited to release our new Private Label Custom Olive Oil and CBD products to everyone and their beloved pets.  Our CBD products have been customized with our “Award Winning” Extra Virgin olive oil for an extremely unique product with the therapeutic benefits of both “Full Spectrum” CBD and Certified “Extra Virgin” to create a healing and medicinal experience.

The Hemp is grown from the finest Hemp farms in Oregon and extracted carefully with Co2 methods, the CBD is “honestly tested” through GOAT labs in Vancouver, WA. for an incredible end product that will surpass industry standards.

Please use this promotion code “mk10off” for one or All of our new CBD- Olive Oil products, our prices are AMAZING, just compare.  We have a full Holiday schedule that you can find all of our products this season for gift giving and personal use :–)

Shop Now

Here’s where can find us over the holidays!

  • Nevada City Farmers Market- Ends 11/23
  • The Farmers Wife Vintage Barn Show- Yuba City- November 16/ 4-8 pm
  • Mandarin Festival- Auburn 11/22-23-24
  • Davis Art Show- 12/6-7-8
  • Cornish Christmas- 11/29, 12- 6-13-20- Friday Nights in Grass Valley
  • Victorian Christmas- 12/8 Thru 12/22
  • Country Christmas in Grass Valley- Thanksgiving Weekend 11/29-12/1 &2
  • Foothill Christmas- Loma Rica Lions Club- 12/7

2019 Awards From Around the World

Calolea Olive Oil has long been supported by their local communities,  for over 18 years strong!! Originally from Local Farmers’ Markets and the many specialty retail stores throughout Yuba City, Marysville, Grass Valley and Nevada City. Our olive oils have always received award recognition, and they earn California Olive Oil Council’s Seal of Authenticity for “Certified Extra Virgin” every year. This year has been a fantastic olive harvest and the award results have been Olympic Style to say the least.

Calolea Olive Oil wants to share this exciting news to all of it’s loyal customers and new customers who enjoy knowing they are buying the best quality straight from the producer, and their neighbor. Our most impressive award this year for our Tuscan Olive Oil is a “Gold” medal from Japan, with over 611 Extra Virgin Olive Oil entries from 21 countries!! Los Angeles International Olive Oil competition is the 5th largest in the world and awarded our Tuscan Olive Oil a “Best in Class” Gold medal, 658 entries with only “29 Best of Class” awards received. California Olive Oil Council OO Competition also awarded our Tuscan Olive Oil a “Gold” medal, along with silver medals for our favorite varieties of Mission and Manzanillo Extra Virgin Olive oils.

We’re proud to grow and produce the finest award winning olive oils and share them with our devoted customers who already know they are buying some of the best olive oil in the world right here in Yuba, Sutter, Butte and Nevada Counties.


You can find our Olive Oils to purchase and taste every Saturday in Grass Valley at the NCCGM (North Star House) Nevada City Farmers’ Market, Auburn, Yuba City, Sunnyvale, and Carson City Nevada. There are many seasonal weekday markets too. Our local retailers Sunsweet Growers Store, SPD, Briar Patch, The Wooden Spoon and J.J. Jacksons stock our products throughout the year for your convenience. Visit us at one of the many Farmers Markets we attend.

Awesome Gift for any occasion

Many of our customers have been taking this No Sugar Challenge and hoping

they can still use our Balsamic Vinegars, we know how depressing your meals  can be without

them!!  We’d like to inform you that there are Only 7g of natural sugars and no ADDED sugar,

which makes this product available to you during your challenge, Whoa Hoo!!


Classic or flavored 3-bottle gift box, new branded front.

Mission “Olio Nuovo” Available through March.

First-Press New Harvest Olive Oils, Air-Freighted ASAP
Olio nuovo is the first extra virgin olive oil to be released each year, meant to be enjoyed
as soon as it comes out of the centrifuge. These freshly pressed oils are vibrant green in
color, with silken texture, robust, spicy flavor and aromas of artichoke, black pepper,
green apple and freshly cut grass. In short, olio nuovo is olive oil in its most intense, raw state… the ultimate condiment. Use it lavishly and as soon as possible.

Our Biggest Holiday Sale is around the Corner!!

Hello From Team Calolea!!  It’s been a  beautiful Fall Season and

Our farm is gearing up for a busy upcoming

Olive Harvest, Several Holiday Events (check our website for updates)

and of course our largest Holiday Sale of the Year!!

 Will be rolling out before you know it.  We want to remind you

to keep a look out for our e-mails, Face Book Posts, (Please Like our page) and exclusive rewards we will be sending to you before we activate our sale.

 In the meantime, you can review our products and popular gift items

 with this lovely color flyer we have for you.

Cheers to you!!


Michael and Monica Keller

Quick Review Products Page
Quick Review Products Page


Join us at our Calolea Tasting Room during the Sierra Oro Passport Weekend, October 8-9 /10-5PM

We’re very excited for the annual Sierra Oro  Annual Farm Trail

gold180silver180Tour.  Calolea will hold it’s farm open Saturday and Sunday from 10-5PM.

Our Olive Oil tasting bar will be open along with our Gift Shop.  Our Chef

Producer Michael Keller will once again be preparing specialty food pairings

with our Calolea Olive Oils, and featuring local produce.  The Grass Roots

sounds from Grass Valley’s own “Ragged but Right” will be jamming both days

along with some special guest vendors.  We suggest you buy your tickets soon

for the 2 day tour, you’ll get your money’s worth for sure!!  If you are only interested

in our Calolea Farm, that is fine too, there will be a $5.00 entry fee.  We look forward

to seeing you out at the Farm.  68 Tennessee Lane Marysville, CA. (It’s actually Bangor, but

officially Marysville for GPS)passport-weekend

Why is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Healthy for You?

5 Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Staying healthy is the desire of every person and consuming products that will help you achieve is the wisest thing you can do with for you general wellbeing. Extra virgin olive oil your ideal choice and the answer to maintaining healthy living and keeping any lifestyle disease at bay. Extra virgin olive oil is made by crushing and extracting the juice from olives. It has nutrients that are essential for promoting healthy living and their production do not require industrial refining or the use of chemicals, and it’s also produced at temperatures that will not degrade. According to Sfoodle below are five benefits of using Extra Virgin Olive Oil and they include:
1. Large Amounts of Antioxidants
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) contains huge amounts of antioxidants enzymes which help in controlling free radical chain reactions. Although our body produces antioxidants enzymes, their production diminishes as you age and EVOO supplements the antioxidants to keep your body healthier. The control of free radical ( a form of metabolite) which is produced as a result of energy production and normal metabolism and are considered to be highly reactive. Free radical reactions are the main disruptors of DNA structure and maintenance, and they are responsible for serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer. Boosting your antioxidants enzymes in your body is, therefore, important, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a great source of antioxidants.
2. Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats
Extra Virgin Olive Oil has abundant amounts of monounsaturated fats which have health benefits when eaten in moderation. Monounsaturated fats are fat molecules with one unsaturated carbon bond and are commonly liquid at room temperature. These fats contain vitamin E and have been proved by scientists through various studies to have a significant effect in lowering bad cholesterol levels as well as stroke and heart diseases. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a great source of monounsaturated fats in large quantity and a diet containing EVOO is highly recommended.
3. lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
Extra Virgin Olive Oil improves insulin levels which are a hormone that converts glucose into energy in our bodies and therefore lowering the blood sugar. EVOO lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is a bad cholesterol type and is linked with harmful effects such as heart attack, atherosclerosis and blood clots. By lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, EVOO helps in lowering harmful effects of excessive glucose and cholesterol in our bodies.
4. fights off cancer
A recent study by scientists has proven that Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains Oleocanthal, which is a chemical made from crushing olive to get pulp that is then pressed to extract oil. Oleocanthal prevents many types of inflammations which cause cancer formation by interfering with the formation process and killing cancerous cells
5. Helps to lower blood pressure

Health Benefits for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Health Benefits for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Studies have proved that by consuming diets with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, hypertensive patients can reduce their dosage of drugs by almost 50%. EVOO contain polyphenols which are antioxidants responsible for lowering the blood pressure in human body.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil has excellent health benefits that every human being should consider having a diet with this type of oil because its health benefits have been proved by qualified scientist through the actual studies.

New Calolea Products Heading to SFO International and Oakland Airport

We’re excited to announce new Calolea items available in San Francisco International Airport and Oakland Airport.  It’s always nice to be able to purchase some local California “Award Winning” products after Security that you can bring home or surprise your friends and family with a fabulous

gift from Calolea Olive Oil.  The newest items that have been selected is our very popular Body Lotion/Conditioner, it’s organic and has a lemon/peppermint essential oil scent, many our customers use it for hair styling, it’s very multi functional.  They have also added our 18 year

aged strawberry Balsamic Vinegar to pair with our Newly Awarded 2016 “Gold Medal” Mission Olive Oil  and our Silver Medal  winner, Meyer Lemon Olive Oil.  Calolea Flyer2016  Awards just released from:

The California State Fair Olive Oil Competition and Fresno’s “Big Fair” SJVOOC, if you haven’t

tried these two varieties now is a terrific time to place an order and experience the Best!!